August 27, 2005

Media Whore

Mike King at Ramblings Journal puts two and two together.
Cindy Sheehan: "If I truly was a media whore..."
"I’m like if I truly was a media whore do you think I would like maybe get myself fixed up a little bit before I went on?"
--Cindy Sheehan
Mike's comment on the two: "'Nuff said." Here is a little more from Cindy giving the context for her media whore statement. The website is "information from occupied iraq"
"...I don’t care about them talking about me being a crackpot or a media whore, or a tool of the left, you know. I’m like if I truly was a media whore do you think I would like maybe get myself fixed up a little bit before I went on? That doesn’t bother me at all, but what bothers me so much is when they say I am dishonoring my son’s memory by what I’m doing, that my son would be ashamed of me or what they really like to say is that I’m pissing, or shitting, or spitting on his grave."
Sorry Cindy - he lived nobly and died with honor. He wanted to go over there despite your trying to talk him out of it. He enlisted not once but twice. He volunteered for the mission into Basra where he was killed. He knew the dangers but he thought that he was doing the right thing for America and for the Iraqi People. By publicly calling him a child, by 'hinting' that he didn't want to go over there but was 'mislead' by his recruiting officer, you are demeaning him. Your husband feels the same way -- he just divorced you. Your family feels the same way -- they issued a statement saying that you are acting on your own and the family does not share your beliefs. I would not go so far as to call you deranged but you certainly fit a lot of the symptoms... Posted by DaveH at August 27, 2005 6:39 PM