September 11, 2005

A thought on 9/11

People have been celebrating the fourth anniversary of the 9/11 attack with moments of silence and prayer. This is fine for the departed but considering what happened, should we not also have a moment of rage? Reading around the web it seems like a lot of people are mentally pigeonholing 9/11 with Hurricane Katrina and airplane wrecks as something bad that happened to us. It was but it wasn't an accident or a natural phenomenon. It was a pre-meditated attack by people who want to fundamentally change the way that we live. We have made great inroads stopping them but they, like any skilled enemy, have studied us and our culture and have learned how to exploit our weaknesses and turn them against us. I speak of the Left... People over there, please wake up -- appeasement does not work, it makes it worse. I was one of you four years ago and after 9/11, I saw what questions the Left was asking and didn't like their answers. If I can wake up, so can you. Posted by DaveH at September 11, 2005 5:15 PM
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