September 30, 2005

Love among the Landmines

An interesting story about minefields and the penguins who thrive in them. From Planet Ark:
Penguins Find Peace in Falklands War Minefields
KIDNEY COVE, Falkland Islands - There's a mating ritual going on in the minefield.

Fortunately the would-be lovers are penguins, too light to detonate the deadly mines laid more than two decades ago during a war on the far-flung Falkland Islands.

Thousands of penguins and other feathered and amphibious friends choose to nest and rest in no-go zones. The British estimate that some 25,000 land mines, mostly sown by Argentine forces in the 1982 war with Britain, remain.

On a recent day, the squawking penguins were busily finding partners, preparing nests and waddling about the mating grounds.

Wildlife numbers in the mined areas appear to be on the rise and conservationists cannot hide their enthusiasm about this unorthodox form of protecting lands previously trampled by people or overgrazed by sheep.

It is the bright spot in a long-term land mine problem -- one that is not likely to go away because de-mining is difficult, if not impossible, in the peaty soils and shifting sands of this South Atlantic archipelago.
And Argentina has done what about these mines? A very cool story indeed but not exactly the way I would go about creating a nature reserve... Posted by DaveH at September 30, 2005 10:48 PM
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