January 9, 2006


Jen and I saw Munich today and it left us both stunned. Spielberg can tell a good story when he wants to... Spielberg takes care to show both sides of the terrorist/Israel Nation issue but does not flinch from showing the terrorists as they are. Still, it is a terrible realization on Avner's part (he is the primary character) when he sees that the people he kills are just replaced and often by someone more sociopathic. I was in high-school when Munich happened and the memory is still fresh. Yeah, the terrorists got recognition, hell, Exxon Mobil got recognition when the Exxon Valdez ran aground in Prince William Sound. It is one of the ironic twists of fate that had the Palestinians been civilized, they would have gotten their own state by now. Their constant use of terror has seriously hurt their case and all they are doing now is breeding more terrorists. Posted by DaveH at January 9, 2006 10:10 PM
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