June 24, 2006

Bread and Water

BEGIN UPDATE: 07-01-2006 I had originally written this post to tease my wife for a coment that she left on another post. That earlier post was here and contained a paragraph about my cooking dinner using Beef from our new half-cow. Jen's comment:
I have to say, marrying a man who can COOK was the smartest move of my life!

I'm never going to lose weight if he keeps cooking like this.
Hence, this post about moving over to a diet of Bread and Water. Jen got the joke because her comment to this post was:
The hell we are! The garden's producing, we have meat in the freezer... Dave can do the bread and water thing. I'm gonna eat.
Tonights dinner? Hamburgers. Seared on each side for a few minutes on a hot gas grill and then turn the heat down and cook for a few minutes more. You don't normally think of hamburger as being tender but this stuff sure is. The flavor was amazing too. Jen's thought over dinner was that going back to supermarket beef would really suck. My thought was that we should call the farmer and reserve a steer for sometime late-spring of 2007. I really appreciate people's concern over my "impending diet" but it was a joke with my wife and not anything I was going to take seriously. END UPDATE: 07-01-2006 Found a new lifestyle that sounds really interesting... It is said that spending 120 days eating nothing but bread and water gives a person incredible mental acuity. Jen and I will be doing this over the next few months -- I'll keep you all posted on the results. Posted by DaveH at June 24, 2006 10:48 PM