June 7, 2006


Jen and I saw X-Men III this afternoon. WOW! We were a bit bummed from reading the reviews -- they were saying that the character of Dr. Jean Grey was not developed enough and that there was an over-reliance on special effects but we were wondering exactly what movie these critics were watching. It certainly was not the one we saw. Dr. Grey was perfectly portrayed as someone doing battle with her inner daemons. The special effects were required for the plot development and they were not over the top. You want to see over the top effects, see the latest installment in the Mission Impossible series -- we were fatigued after all the gratuitous crashes and booms. The casting was excellent as usual -- Kelsey Grammer was perfect as the urbane diplomat Dr. Hank McCoy. See this one on the big screen. You should see the first two before to fill in the backstory but the movie does stand alone. Excellent! Posted by DaveH at June 7, 2006 8:48 PM
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