August 15, 2006

Area 31

We all know about Area 51 - the Top Secret military base located near Groom Lake, Nevada. Here is Area 31 from our neighbors to the North. They are doing some amazing Science -- check out these projects: They are into their own version of SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) and they managed to score these two wonderful observatories. Here is their single TARGET dish (Telescope Antenna Researching Galactic Extraterrestrial Transmissions):
They also scored this 32 element Solar Interferometer array from a closed Canadian Radio Observatory and these are being pressed into service as well:
These two scopes are loitering with intent around the "water hole", a clear band of frequencies around the H line at 1420.4 MHz, as well as the Formaldehyde line at 4.83 GHz. And of course, with this level of geekdom, there is a Tesla Coil lurking somewhere...
Very cool! Posted by DaveH at August 15, 2006 9:36 PM