October 29, 2006

News from the home front

First, my Mom passed away this morning around 4:00am. She was on "comfort care" and so had no pain or discomfort. I will write more in a few days -- right now we are all kind of walking around in a haze. It has been two days since I checked and we have had 1354 attempted spams with only six successes. Considering that there were only 208 unique inbound IP addresses, some people are using the old "if it didn't work the first time, keep bashing at it" school of thought. Needless to say, this exposes them for the looosers they are. And thanks for trying to hit me when I'm down... Finally, we get our home internet service back this coming friday. I'll be starting to work on the tarpit in a week or so after that. More in a few days... Posted by DaveH at October 29, 2006 2:38 PM