October 5, 2006


The crap just keep rolling in and just keeps getting blocked. One successful but I added a script to catch those (the names of public figures with hyphens). Last night's tally: Incoming: 111 Successful: ZERO {---- I love that part!!!! Unique IP numbers: 78 The thing with the IP numbers is that when a spam comes in, it comes from a computer with an address -- an Internet Protocol number. When I sit down to review the day's takings, I don't only try to block successful SPAMs, I also gather these IP addresses and put them back into the server with the command to deny these systems any and all future access to any of my websites (I run several including some commercial ones for clients). Takes a big bite out of the repeat offenders. Today's numbers: Incoming: 161 Successful: ONE {---- I hate that part!!!! Unique IP numbers: 73 More incoming but a few sites were hitting me five or ten times in rapid secession. Had a few instances of neighboring IP addresses -- machines in the same office or school. This is interesting as people seem to be testing me but they are stupid in that they are eating their own seed corn. They try to hit me and see if they can get through, but each and every hit results in that specific machine getting permanently banned from my sites. I distribute this information to anyone who wants it so their constant quest to find something that works is killing them -- drastically reducing the number of Zombie systems they have at their useful disposal.

Like I said earlier:


nyuk nyuk nyuk...

Oh yeah, I usually get a comment or two each day and these are coming through just fine. I also test several times/day and these work too (trying to post different comments that come --}{-- this close to tripping the filters). Posted by DaveH at October 5, 2006 9:03 PM
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