November 14, 2006

Ski season approaches!!!

One of the good things about winter up here is the luxurious snow available just 30 miles up the road at Mt. Baker. Looks like things are happening a little bit on the early side with the Ski Resort due to open ahead of schedule. The Mt. Baker daily conditions are here: Snow Report Here is the entry from today (November 14th):
We've had 63 INCHES of NEW SNOW in the past 4 days!

Check out the photos from Monday in the Gallery here. . .it's soooo deep that the Pisten Bully snowcats basically had to dig their way up to the top of Chair 5 and to quote a crew member " you could have straight-lined the bottom of Canuck's Delux."

Not only are crews getting ready for OPENING DAY ON THURSDAY, but we're having to dig things out first!

Once again, we're expecting a bit of a warm spell with this system antcipated to move in today and tonight, but the freezing level is expected to drop quickly on Wednesday - setting us up for a great day on Thursday.

We look forward to seeing you THURSDAY NOVEMBER 16 for OPENING DAY!
Very cool! OF course, all of this precipitation has it's down side at lower levels. Here is a photo (from the same website) of the road you take to get to Mt. Baker -- this was taken November 7th (last week):
Mother Nature always has the last word... Posted by DaveH at November 14, 2006 10:05 PM
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