December 9, 2006

Food nanny-ism

What makes liberals think they have to 'micromanage' people's lives. From Slate Magazine:
Tempting Fat
The coming crackdown on trans fats.

Put your hands in the air, and step away from the cookie.

That's the message from New York City, where the health department has just ordered the city's 25,000 restaurants to purge nearly all trans fats from their menus. Restaurant owners are terrified that other cities will follow. In the dough business, like show business, New York leads the way. If you can't bake it there, you can't bake it anywhere.

The whole world is engulfed in a war on fat. On one side are health crusaders. On the other side are food sellers and libertarians. Lately, the health costs of obesity have prodded politicians into the war, shifting the balance of power to the crusaders. Still, Americans draw the line at food. You stamped out our cigarettes, you made us wear seat belts, but you'll get our burgers when you pry them from our cold, dead hands.
And of course, they have the problem all wrong. It is not an issue of trans-fats, the problem is of people eating too much, big portion size in restaurants and super-sizing run amok. People who eat a well balanced 2,500 calories per day have zero problems with trans-fats -- have the occasional bag of McDonald's fries or a couple of cookies but don't make them a component part of your diet. For a good look at what ti eat and how to manage weight, John Walkers excellent Hackers Diet is a good place to start: Hackers Diet -- How to lose weight and hair through stress and poor nutrition Posted by DaveH at December 9, 2006 10:57 PM | TrackBack
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