June 18, 2007

Top ten weird Japanese soft drinks

The Japanese culture is at the same time fascinating and just downright strange. Take this list of soft drinks for example - from Inventorspot: The Top Ten Weird and Bizarre Japanese Soft Drinks Japan has a drinking problem... but if you've got a thirst for adventure, it's where you want to be. In honor (or in horror) of these bizarre beverages seemingly not fit to rinse your septic tank, raise a cracked glass to the Top Ten Bizarre Japanese Soft Drinks, our first ten inductees into the Soft Drink Hell of Fame...
10) Pepsi Ice Cucumber:
It's lean, green and sounds obscene

When American companies introduce products tailored for foreign tastes, we often experience discomfiting culture shock. Sort of like when Homer Simpson uses his toaster time machine to go back 10 million years, steps on a slug, and then comes back to an oddly different world. Maybe that really did happen, and Springfield is now Tokyo! Exhibit A: Pepsi Ice Cucumber, introduced to the Japanese soft drinks market June 12th and to our Top Ten Bizarre Japanese Soft Drinks listing immediately thereafter. Pepsi? Good... Cucumbers? Great! Cucumber-flavored Pepsi? DOH!!
That actually doesn't sound that bad -- would be nice and refreshing on a hot day. Some of the others would be a bit of a stretch. Posted by DaveH at June 18, 2007 7:40 PM
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