September 18, 2007

Light posting tonight again (Tuesday)

Long day -- we close on the store on the 28th so while Jen is doing the daily stuff at the store, I'm calling all of the primary vendors to let them know that the date for the changeover has been set and is coming in two weeks (yikes!). Was up around 6:30AM, at the store at 8:00AM and came back home around 7:00PM. The good news is that even though this is one of the "slow" seasons, we are still fairly busy (Summer was a blur) and we are getting a lot of referrals and local regular customers. Ski season starts up in a few months and the really good backpacking starts once we have had a few frosts (kills off the @#$% bugs). Going to head out to the DaveCave(tm) and see what the email faeries brought in... Posted by DaveH at September 18, 2007 9:03 PM