January 10, 2008

A modest proposal for Gitmo

Nigel at This Goes To 11 writes:
Close Gitmo detention facility? OK...
Michelle Malkin reminds us today that tomorrow is the ACLU's "wear orange" day in support of Guantanamo Bay detainees:
Look for waterboard wannabes to stage mock torture theater around the country and the Arab government-funded anti-Gitmo legal machine to crank up the noise.

She then posts this video of Mike Huckabee who says we should close Guantanamo Bay's facility because of what is "symbolizes":
"There are other places to keep these detainees".

Mike...when you're right you're right! And we've found just the place. Thule Air Force Base
Absolutely 110% brilliant! I could not think of a better location for these people... Posted by DaveH at January 10, 2008 11:20 AM
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