March 4, 2008

An excellent rant - Iraq, the Surge,

From LC 0311 crunchie I.M.H. over at The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler writes:
We Can, Are, and Will Win This Yet
If you’re a screeching Lunar Chiroptera the only reason we went to war in Iraq was for the oil, or to kill brown people, or yada yada. But anyone who paid attention and had an IQ above explosive diarrhea, knew that Iraq was the first step in the long marathon of actually winning the strategic war against Islamofascism. You see, we had two choices. We could play whack a mole from now until doomsday, killing terrorists wherever we could find them, taking out one cell at a time, at a huge long term cost in lives, or we could go after their “hearts and minds” and eventually kill the ideology that spawns them.
Link to the definition of Lunar Chiroptera mine... This person has a penchant for clear speech: "anyone who paid attention and had an IQ above explosive diarrhea" paints a wonderful mental picture for me. Read the rest - it's very short and very very good! Posted by DaveH at March 4, 2008 10:09 PM | TrackBack
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