March 22, 2008

An interesting analysis and rant on the US financial problems

Rick Falkvinge is a blogger from Sweden who has an in depth and detailed look at the US financial problems and some fascinating analysis. The rest of his website (at least his recent posts) are in Swedish so I can't tell what his other ideas are but this one is a doozy... He is the leader of the Pirate Party in Sweden.
Why the US is collapsing
Last summer, I wrote (in Swedish) about how the US is in grave danger of becoming the Fourth Reich. I also said that such a state would not last for more than 15 years, because of a number of factors I would elaborate on later.

I was right about the sequence of events, but horribly off on the timing. Where I had expected them to happen gradually in about ten or 15 years, instead they are unfolding before my eyes at an accelerating pace.

Some people believe that pirate politics is somehow about the right to obtain music and movies without paying. Some, a bit more initiated, believe it is for fight for civil liberties. In that, they are correct. But few understand the scope of this fight. It is not against the music industry. It is not against entertainment cartels.

The pirate fight is against corrupt governments that systematically curtail civil liberties as the primary and only defense of a gigantic and growing financial bubble, built over four decades. A fight against a small elite that are literally killing people to be able to keep living in luxury without paying the bills for it. Some bloggers have called this Fascism 2.0. The entertainment cartels are just a small part of this bubble, and fascism is used here in its most lexical sense.
What follows is a walk through history starting with the Bretton Woods Accord, our war in Vietnam and President Nixon's decision to go off the Gold Standard, our Fractional Reserve banking system making loans based on a percentage of their holdings and the growing use of the Euro for international trade. A lot of this I had heard before from various sources but Rick does a nice job of tying everything together. Posted by DaveH at March 22, 2008 7:54 PM

Canada is #14 at the top of the list - right next to Sweden

Fun article - I've read most of this stuff before but he loses it with his own analysis. I agree that a year or two of deflation is on it's way but hardly a 'collapse' and 'fracturing of the country' (although if the bible belt broke off it would be a good thing). So the US government will be forced to curtail its spending - that's a good thing. The average citizen will have less buying power for a couple years but in the long run they will be better off - AKA corporate downsizing.

Posted by: D Crowe at March 22, 2008 10:51 PM
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