April 10, 2008

Iran is not promoting terrorism - nope, not at all, nothing to see here folks, move along...

From the Jerusalem Post:
'20 Hizbullah men die in Iran training'
At least 20 Hizbullah fighters have been killed during military training in Iran, the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Watan reported Thursday evening, quoting the Director General of the Islamic Union in Lebanon, Muhammad Ali Husseini.

The Lebanese official did not say exactly how the fighters were killed, but he made clear that "Hizbullah regards those killed while training in Iran as holy ones who died fulfilling their duties, and this concerns not only Shi'ites, but also Sunnis who are loyal to Hizbullah."
But these are just the odd 'freedom fighter' or two -- it's not like there is any sort of active program:
This week, the British newspaper The Independent, reported that since November 2006, 4,500 Hizbullah fighters have been sent to Iran for training, with each round of training lasting three months. Every month, 300 Hizbullah fighters fly from Beirut to Teheran, with many of them coming from the villages south of the Litani River, said the report.

According to the newspaper, the fighters are being trained in live munitions and rocket-launchers in preparation for the coming war with Israel. Hizbullah has focused on the most up-to-date weapons in order to prevent Israel from launching another action against Lebanon.
Just a nice happy bunch of people slime. Posted by DaveH at April 10, 2008 8:40 PM
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