April 22, 2008

The quiet small-town life

David St.Lawrence nails it with this post at Ripples. He retired from being a Computer company Executive in California and moved to a small town in Virginia. He writes:
Life in the slow lane is a mirage...
This is a cautionary tale for those seeking rest and quiet after "retirement".

You are feeling burnt out by years on the road or in meetings and you want to settle down.

You find a suitably remote village with enough modern conveniences to make life comfortable, a mix of interesting people who treat strangers kindly, and enough community spirit to show that life is good and can get better and you think you have found heaven on earth...

Hah! You have no idea what is waiting for you!
Read the whole post -- he has small-town America to a tee... And I wouldn't have it any other way. (Except I gotta have time for my coffee in the morning -- not giving that up.) Posted by DaveH at April 22, 2008 9:58 PM
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