January 2, 2009

The economy and the media - a poll

Interesting results from a poll on people's thoughts about the role of the Media in the current economic downturn. From Blue Crab Boulevard:
Media Making It Worse
77% of Americans believe that the media�s reporting is making the economic situation in this country worse. The percentage is the same for men and women and virtually constant across income demographics.
The US survey of 1000 adults was conducted by Opinion Research Corporation and is statistically representative of the total U.S. population. The survey question: �Do you think the financial press is making the economic crisis worse by projecting fear into people�s minds?� While the overall response indicated that 77% of Americans answered YES, here are highlights of note: Household Incomes: $25k - $35k � 79% answered YES $35k - $50k � 88% answered YES $50k - $75k � 76% answered YES $75k - more � 78% answered YES Demographics: 85% of young adults (18-24 yrs old) answered YES 77% of males and females alike answered YES 65% of blacks answered YES
Put this number in with the current Congressional popularity number (less than 10%) and you get an idea of what is actually causing the problems here... Posted by DaveH at January 2, 2009 7:18 PM
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