July 4, 2009

Heading into town today - Bellingham Tea Party

I was at the last Tea party on April 15th where about 2,500 people showed up. Heading into town in a few hours for this one: Bellingham Tea
About Us
The Bellingham Tea Party is a non-partisan group made up of local citizens who are alarmed by the excesses of the US Federal Government, and want it to return to the founding principles as specified in the US Constitution.

Our mission is to motivate and educate our fellow citizens about the founding principles. To this end, we organized the highly successful Bellingham Tea Party of April 15, 2009. We plan to organize and sponsor other motivational and educational activities in the future.

The US Constitution, including the Bill of Rights and all the other amendments is a mere 19 pages, with lots of white space, and yet it defines the the entire US Federal Government and all of its roles and responsibilities. You can read and understand the US Constitution in one evening. It doesn't require a Harvard law degree. By contrast, the "stimulus" package was over a thousand pages, and we know that most members of congress didn't read it or understand it. We believe that everyone should know what is in the Constitution, and they should insist that the US Federal Government abide by it. Any regime that distorts or disregards the Constitution is untrustworthy and dangerous.
Posted by DaveH at July 4, 2009 8:27 AM
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