October 12, 2009

Global Warming links

A nice collection of links about current thought in Anthropogenic Global Warming from The Anchoress:
Global Warming Fakery & Gore
Lots of people talking about this admission by the BBC that the earth has been cooling, not warming) for over a decade.

Longtime readers know my thoughts on this hooey; I am glad to see this.

There is lots of new information coming out indicating that the whole AGW boondoggle was, always, a boondoggle, (�yeah, that earth shaking data? We lost it! and those hockey sticks? Um, kinda�never mind about that!�

That makes me glad, all this boondoggle-unveiling.
Lots more links at the site -- worth printing out for your AGW consensus friends... Posted by DaveH at October 12, 2009 4:58 PM
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