December 21, 2009

On the right path - Vaclav Klaus

Once a hero -- from Dan Sernoffsky writing at Pennsylvania's Lebanon Daily News:
Czech president smelled warming rat
Among the most reviled men in Europe today is Vaclav Klaus, president of the Czech Republic.

Klaus alone among most of the leaders in the European Union has been attempting to stem the growing tide of the new communism known as environmentalism, or, in its latest incarnation, "climate change."

"It is evident that the environmentalists don't want to change the climate,"Klaus warned at a conference in March. "They want to change our behavior ... to control and manipulate us."

The advocates of man-made global warming were quick to excoriate Klaus, pointing to the preponderance of "scientific data" supporting their cause.

As it turns out, Klaus was incredibly prescient. The so-called "scientific data" upon which the man-made global warmists were basing their case for shutting down the world's most productive economies turned out to be a hoax.

The release of e-mails and other documents from the mecca of the global warmists, the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, revealed the deliberate destruction of records, the deliberate manipulation of data to hide any evidence contrary to the unit's working hypothesis, and the deliberate effort to malign opponents of man-made global warming while silencing them by preventing them from publishing in peer-reviewed journals.

Despite the best efforts of the global warmists to deny the damning evidence - including further prevarications by the high priest of the Church of Global Warming, Al Gore, who claimed the most recent e-mails in the information released were 10 years old when they were, in fact, just a month old - "Climategate" has simply helped to reveal the real purpose behind the global-warming alarmists: the destruction of free societies.

That much has become evident in the implosion of the U.N.'s Copenhagen climate conference. The very arrival of the conference delegates revealed precisely how much "climate" was a real concern. To get to Copenhagen, the delegates wound up using 140 private jets, and for transportation around the city, delegates engaged about 1,200 limousines. Comfort, for the elite, obviously trumps any "carbon footprint" that might be left on the environment.

Beyond the elitism - an all-too-common trait among those who would dictate to others - the real purpose of Copenhagen was further brought to light when the so-called "Danish Text" was leaked. The text basically wound up punishing developing countries, which, in turn, led to a walk-out by African delegates, followed by the appropriate apologies and the return of the boycotting delegates.

The bottom line, however, has been that every initiative pushed by the conference is designed simply as a transfer of wealth from industrialized nations to other countries, a wealth transfer that will simply empower third world dictators like Hugo Chavez and Robert Mugabe while destroying the societies that have embraced freedom.
Dan closes with these words:
Vaclav Klaus was born in 1941 and spent most of his life living under communism. That back ground gave him a perspective on political reality that has largely been only an academic exercise for those who lived in the freedom afforded them by the West. His understanding of the insidious encroachment of communism, in any incarnation, is founded on experience. His analysis, that the ultimate goal of environmentalists is the complete control of society, continues to be supported by the actions of the global warmists.

Alexander Hamilton once observed, "No man in his senses can hesitate in choosing to be free, rather than a slave," yet the constant drumbeat of the leftists who are chanting the false mantra of global warming is that they know best, and that slavery to their dictates is to be much preferred over freedom. For those who are unwilling to believe the growing body of evidence that global warming is a hoax, Mark Twain said it best.

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you in trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."
Will we see words like these in the New York Times? For some reason, I do not think so... Posted by DaveH at December 21, 2009 9:12 AM | TrackBack
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