January 30, 2010

Dain Bramaged spam attempt

Gotta love this one -- the comment was totally out of context with the post. Here is the pitch, edited to defeat search engines:
Nwe Fere Hotsing Srevice
Join SU! Fere / FSAT Flie hotsing!
NO Adevrtiisng or so! Fere For Eevr! NO LMIIT!
So their business model is to host web pages up to a gigabyte and not charge any money and to not have advertising. Your web page will be hosted by them 4EVAH! If advertising is antithetical to them, why are they using comment spam to advertise. Two mouse clicks and the IP address is banned and the purported hosting company is banned as well. Posted by DaveH at January 30, 2010 10:36 PM