April 25, 2010

We have a comment from Helen in Virginia

Apparently, I gored her favorite Ox -- that being Sean Penn. Here is what Helen wrote today:
Just tell me one thing. Do you do anything to help those people in Haiti? Do you think writing bad things on people, that actually realize good things to help others, make it better for them or for you? Do you do anything else except spiting you poisoned words on a man that at least tries to do good for other?

Why do you even care about what goes wrong in his life when you're just wasting our oxygen writing shit in front of your computer. I guess you're having the time of your life minding the business of others right?! Well its probably because there is a lot of jealousy inside of you. PFFF you know what, after all, he's probably right to wish you cancer, it's not the people that keep their anger inside of them that are the most likely to be nice to you. Those people are hypocrites, afraid to say what's on their mind because people like you are going to critic them even if they have nothing to say. So at least think before writing your shit and please open your mind! It's not in staying discrete and politicly correct that you're gonna change anything around here!
Wow... Talk about sweetness and light. If this is what liberalism does to your heart and mind, I want nothing of it. The level of vituperation without any corresponding knowledge is stunning. Helen -- let me address your points:
Just tell me one thing. Do you do anything to help those people in Haiti?
Yes I did -- I gave a chunk of money to these people: Team Rubicon What the people in Haiti needed was immediate medical triage and services and these were the only people on the ground who were doing it. It's all volunteer and there is no money taken out for "administrative services" as is the case with the institutional charitable organizations. A lot of people in my community were trying ways to help -- one school was collecting soap to be sent to Haiti but the plain and simple fact was that the money being spent to ship -- say -- ten pounds of soap could have been used to purchase fifty pounds delivered to Haiti via a commercial carrier. Since Haiti's airports and ocean ports were so damaged, flights and ships in an out were limited and any non-essential craft simply took space away from essential life-saving craft. Which brings us to point two:
Do you do anything else except spiting you poisoned words on a man that at least tries to do good for other?
Sean Penn's trip was, by classical definition, non-essential. Mr. Penn does amazing work in front of the camera but in his personal life, he is a low-level poseur only seeking publicity for himself and he could care less about helping the common man. Helen -- before you start huffing and puffing (wasting Oxygen if I might add) ask yourself this. If Sean Penn was taking a boat ride through New Orleans looking to rescue people, why did he bring a publicist and a photographer. Take a look at the boat in this picture:
Where is the room for the people he is so intent on rescuing? The list of people on board is well known, why were there no Doctors or Nurses along. Only publicists and photographers. He did eventually pull one person from his house and brought him to dry land but nothing else was solidly documented:
Thankful Johnnie Brown, 73, who was picked up by Penn, told his sister over the phone: "Guess who come and got me out of the house? Sean Penn, the actor. The boys were really nice."
Awww - again, if Mr. Penn was interested in doing something, he could have contributed a chunk of his money to the people that were doing effective work down there. The only reason for him to be down there in the first place was to narcissisticly bask in the public eye, not to be effective at helping people. Helen again:
Why do you even care about what goes wrong in his life when you're just wasting our oxygen writing shit in front of your computer.
Helen, I do not care. I think that Sean Penn is a fscking joke and I like to write about funny things. That being said, I am honestly worried about the direction this country is heading and useful idiots like Mr. Penn are speeding it along with their muzzy-headed activism. Mr. Penn is adept at capturing the public eye both at work and at play and to have fools like him show people that it is OK to meet with monsters like Chavez and Castro seriously sends the wrong image. He should be a lot more circumspect in his actions. It is the standing joke that our "cultural elite" who like to cozy up with dictators would never, ever in a heartbeat actually move there. One man who did was Eldridge Cleaver -- here was a man who walked the walk and moved to Russia. He moved back and had nothing but bad things to say about socialism and communism and he became an ardent supporter of Freedom and Capitalism until his death. Helen again:
I guess you're having the time of your life minding the business of others right?!
It is not private lives that I am minding. It is only when an individual takes his or her life public and uses it to influence the state of this Nation that I mind. Writing a post on Penn is just the same as voting. It is my right and my duty to let my feelings be known in a quiet, strong and clear voice. Helen shows that she doesn't read this blog at all and only swooped down to drop her little comment:
Well its probably because there is a lot of jealousy inside of you.
Hah! Helen again:
PFFF you know what, after all, he's probably right to wish you cancer, it's not the people that keep their anger inside of them that are the most likely to be nice to you.
Flinging poo again? Talk about psychological projection. When confronted with an inconvenient fact backed up with links to the original sources to prove it, liberals start frothing at the mouth. The next sentence is wonderfully enlightening as well:
Those people are hypocrites, afraid to say what's on their mind because people like you are going to critic them even if they have nothing to say.
Helen, help me out a bit here because if I read what you wrote at face value: "Those people are hypocrites" will refer to Sean Penn. Looking at how you started your comment, I would think that you should be referring to me and not Mr. Penn as a hypocrite. But if you are referring to me as a hypocrite, could you point out what I said that would lead you to that conclusion. Every fact I write about is backed up by links to the news reports. Every opinion I have is mine and I have a right to make it known on this little sandbox of mine. To look at the second half of that comment: "people like you are going to critic them even if they have nothing to say" I am sorry but I am unable to parse out what you are trying to express. If someone is in the public eye and if they do something I feel is downright stoopid then yes, I am going to critique them. There is a big difference between a public figure and a private one. Go and read the more than ten thousand posts I have made here at Synthstuff since October 2003 and you will not find any instance where I have publicly criticized a private individual. Everyone I poke fun at is a public individual -- again, there is a big legal, ethical and moral difference between the two... Finally, Helen closes with the following:
So at least think before writing your shit and please open your mind! It's not in staying discrete and politicly correct that you're gonna change anything around here!
I believe that I do think things through very carefully. Again, if you read this blog on a regular basis, you will see that I update a post when I find different or contradictory facts. I have never deleted a post (something that the mainstream media does all the time). I stand by my word. As for staying discrete and politically correct; I find these to be an insidious form of NewThink straight out of George Orwell. We must always respect our fellow man but it needs to come from the Love, the Truth and the Charity that lies in our hearts. This must never be put-upon from some elite sense of what society should be as that is not an honest path and leads to corruption and loss of freedom. Helen, I hope that you revisit this blog and read what I have said. I would be interested to see if you are actually concerned and are thinking about what I said or if you are just another random Google-search drive-by (I get a lot of those). Have a good evening and I sincerely hope you wake up one of these days... Posted by DaveH at April 25, 2010 4:57 PM
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