May 19, 2010

Elvis Costello - drinking the Kool-Aid

He is an amazing songwriter but he sure doesn't grasp the facts very well. From his blog -- Yellow Press:
It Is After Considerable Contemplation....
It is after considerable contemplation that I have lately arrived at the decision that I must withdraw from the two performances scheduled in Israel on the 30th of June and the 1st of July.

One lives in hope that music is more than mere noise, filling up idle time, whether intending to elate or lament.

Then there are occasions when merely having your name added to a concert schedule may be interpreted as a political act that resonates more than anything that might be sung and it may be assumed that one has no mind for the suffering of the innocent.

I must believe that the audience for the coming concerts would have contained many people who question the policies of their government on settlement and deplore conditions that visit intimidation, humiliation or much worse on Palestinian civilians in the name of national security.
Mr. Costello -- I sincerely doubt that you would visit this little corner of the blogosphere but you might want to expand your horizons a little bit. Check out this guy:
Biography of Walid Shoebat
Born in Bethlehem of Judea, Walid's grandfather was the Muslim Mukhtar (chieftain) of Beit Sahour-Bethlehem (The Shepherd's Fields) and a friend of Haj-Ameen Al-Husseni, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and notorious friend of Adolf Hitler.

Walid's great grandfather, Abdullah Ali Awad-Allah, was also a fighter and close associate of both Abdul Qader and Haj Amin Al-Husseini, who led the Palestinians against Israel. Walid lived through and witnessed Israel’s Six Day War while living in Jericho.

As a young man, he became a member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, and participated in acts of terror and violence against Israel, and was later imprisoned in the Russian Compound, Jerusalem's central prison for incitement and violence against Israel.

After his release, he continued his life of violence and rioting in Bethlehem and the Temple Mount. After entering the U.S, he worked as a counselor for the Arab Student Organization at Loop College in Chicago and continued his anti-Israel activities.

In 1993, Walid studied the Tanach (Jewish Bible) in a challenge to convert his wife to Islam. Six months later, after intense study, Walid realized that everything he had been taught about Jews was a lie. Convinced he was on the side of evil, he became an advocate for his former enemy.

Driven by a deep passion to heal his own soul, and to bring the truth about the Jews and Israel to the world, Walid shed his former life and his work as a software engineer and set out to tirelessly bring the cause of Israel to tens of thousands of people throughout the world: churches and synagogues, civic groups, government leaders and media.
There is a standing body of evidence that Yasser Arafat was a Communist plant (well beyond his three years spent living in Moscow and frequent trips back there) and that his role in the middle-east was to destabilize Israel whom Russia regarded as a threat. All that we are dealing with now is just the residue of that deception. The so-called 'Palestinians' are Hashemite Jordanians and there is no other nation that will give them a home. It is illegal for a 'Palestinian' to own land in Jordan. The 'Palestinians' are living in a culture of fear, shame and hate. They do not desire to advance themselves, only to tear down the accomplishments of others. An interesting metric is the number of Nobel Prizes won by country. Israel has nine. The Jordanians calling themselves Palestinian have one (Arafat - peace) and the only other Arab nation to have any is Egypt with four (one Chemistry, two peace and one Literature). It gets really interesting when you look at the worldwide number of Jewish Laureates (165 out of a population of 12 Million) versus the number of Arab/Islamic Laureates (six out of a population of 1.4 Billion). Again, a crude metric but a telling one. Why we vilify these wonderful people for protecting themselves and loving and educating their children is beyond me... Posted by DaveH at May 19, 2010 9:37 PM | TrackBack
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