September 27, 2010

Long day

Got up four hours earlier than normal to clear out some crap in the shop and yes, I did find the gear puller. Tina has the right front end of her truck successfully disassembled and we are ready to press in the new bearing tomorrow. Had to run into town to pick up four large HP 8100 printers that I won at a local university auction. Everyone is going for the small desktop ink-jet printers but they cost 20-30 cents/page where these are less than a penny. Plus, they will last for ever. At $50/each it was a no-brainer. One is already in the DaveCave(tm), one will be in the Server Room (slash camping and winter gear storage room) and I will have two for other projects. Had a water board meeting tonight and then, talked for about 90 minutes with a local businessman about helping to build up their business. Nice people but never run a business before. Heating up an Amy's Non-Dairy Pot Pie for dinner. A customer had requested we carry them and I picked one up at a local food co-op to see if they are anything special. I'll know in ten minutes. Surf for a little bit, head out to the DaveCave(tm) for some email and then to bed. Long day tomorrow too... Posted by DaveH at September 27, 2010 8:36 PM
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