September 26, 2010

What a clueless arrogant braying ninny - John Kerry

From the Boston Herald:
John Kerry: Democrats� woes stem from uninformed voters
A testy U.S. Sen. John F. Kerry yesterday blamed clueless voters with short attention spans for the uphill battle beleaguered Democrats are facing against Republicans across the nation.

�We have an electorate that doesn�t always pay that much attention to what�s going on so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth or what�s happening,� Kerry told reporters after touring the Boston Medical Center yesterday.
I will give Senator Kerry this little word of advise -- the sleeping public has been awakened by your corruption and purblind ignorance and, at this stage of the game, we probably know more about the key issues than you do. We will not go away, we will not stand down. Your job is to represent US and if you do not do your job, you will be fired. Posted by DaveH at September 26, 2010 1:36 PM

Kerry was right, though. It was short attention spans and inattentiveness coupled with persuasive slogans that put Democrats in control of two branches of the government.
The woke up barking mad at what they had done and are now correcting their errors.

Posted by: Kelly at September 26, 2010 2:43 PM
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