November 17, 2010

One year ago today

The ZIP file that started Climategate was released to the wild one year ago today. Critics point to the 1,073 emails and say that these are being taken out of context. Skeptics point to the other 80 megabytes of program files and data and cry foul. This one excerpt from HARRY_READ_ME.txt shows the state of the research:
ARGH. Just went back to check on synthetic production. Apparently - I have no memory of this at all - we're not doing observed rain days! It's all synthetic from 1990 onwards. So I'm going to need conditionals in the update program to handle that. And separate gridding before 1989. And what TF happens to station counts?

OH FUCK THIS. It's Sunday evening, I've worked all weekend, and just when I thought it was done I'm hitting yet another problem that's based on the hopeless state of our databases. There is no uniform data integrity, it's just a catalogue of issues that continues to grow as they're found.
Jeff Id was one of the people who broke the story and he posted a nice long anniversary retrospective at the Air Vent:
Climategate, a year of comedy.
It has been almost a year now since the UEA emails known as climategate were revealed. What has followed has been a year of hilarity as one scandal after another followed. Just think about how funny it was when Pachuri (head of the IPCC) published his sex book, Mann publishing one self exonerating editorial after another all to try and prevent Cuccinelli from getting the other 12,000 emails publicly released. Just how did the IPCC accidentally transpose the time when the Himalayan glaciers would vanish from 2350 to 2035 and fail to change it when notified (don�t worry the glaciers will be there in 2350 and in 2035 becaus these guys don�t really know). �Scientific�Applause for Chavez�s hitleresque anti-capitalist rant in Copenhagen! hahaha. I�ve been laughing almost daily as these guys trip over themselves trying to make the case for global CO2 governance. The politicians are starting to realize that the whole topic is poison for their careers and if nothing else, climategate has had the fortunate effect of at least slowing the implementation of stupidity.

Green energy which costs you more to �create� jobs. How insane a world, and how funny when the politicians realize they can�t push that lie on the public. Nobody in America believes that anymore, well at least not as many.

Climategate taught different people different lessons though. Instead of journals opening up and allowing the reasonable moderate AGW science to be published, they tightened their unofficial policies forcing the non-anointed to go through endless reviews before rejection. Countless hours are spent by those who would publish moderate work in the face of extremist AGW claims. But it is funny!! Apparently climate science believes humans can control not only the planetary temperature but the laws of physics as well! A year of laughter is what it was, ships that pump moisture into the air to make clouds and �cool the planet�, the US military asked about what effort�s they are making to insure that the WAR is emitting less CO2. I even recently had a conversation with a scientist about the CO2 emission of photovoltaic cells!!!

While I am pleased with the Air Vent�s role in expanding climate discussion beyond the sheltered walls of government and university hallways, we need to remember that some individual/s took a great risk to release those emails. They get the credit for an event which changed the political future of the world but it is a lonely credit as nobody can know who they are. The lesser role of climate blogs was to provide both the indirect impetus for action and a necessary outlet for the emails to be presented to the public in raw form and then put into context. I hope those involved in the actual release are wise enough to continue not discussing their own roles in the release as I�m sure plenty of people are still hunting them down, waiting for a clue to surface. After a year, the discussion as to what the emails meant continues, so much so that even the word climategate has become widely known.
Much more and lots of links at the site... Posted by DaveH at November 17, 2010 2:17 PM

Wow, has it been a year already?

We never seem to hear about Al Gore anymore, except for his marital problems.

We need to constantly remind ourselves of this AGW scam. And then remind ourselves that these liars never go to jail. Whether it's Gore or Rangel, they always seem to evade the consequences.

And, on the other hand, what about a Nobel prize for the person(s) that hacked the CRU emails?

Posted by: geran at November 17, 2010 5:14 PM
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