April 20, 2011

A little ray of sunshine - Professor Ellen Lewin

From Roger L. Simon at PJ Tattler:
Prof. Ellen Lewin comes out… as a hater
Ellen Lewin – professor of Anthropology and Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies in the Department of Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies at the University of Iowa – got her (perhaps unwitting) fifteen minutes of fame Monday by using the f-bomb to reply to an email invitation from the college Republicans, creating a scandal on the campus that made national news. Dr. Lewin, apparently, doesn’t like Republicans at the college or otherwise. Tell it like it is, Ellen, you old lefty rascal you.

And so will I, thanks to one of my favorite websites – Ratemyprofessors.com – where, alas, it appears Dr. Lewin is herself not particularly admired by her students. Here are just the evaluations from the first page: “None. Worst attitude ever.”… “She was too busy preaching her political views to teach what we paid to learn.”… “Worst ever.”… “If you taken Introduction to Women’s Studies, you’ve taken Gender, Race and Class in the U.S. It’s ridiculous that they are BOTH required.”

And my favorite: “She loves to ramble to fill up time. Talks and talks and talks just to fill the remaining part of class. Rushes through material. Has a superiority complex about her being from NY, and openly looks down on Midwesterners. Spends a disproportionate amount of time on gender studies material even when the class she’s teaching has nothing to do with it.”

Cracks you up, except… someone’s paying for this insanity. Rep. Ryan, I think we have a few more cuts for you.
What a maroon. Reading into the story a bit more, the email was not spam, it had been approved by the University. Her reaction demonstrates a willfully closed mind. Sad... Her University website is here. Not much there, not surprisingly... Posted by DaveH at April 20, 2011 8:18 PM

Here’s an interview with University of Iowa Professors Timothy Hagle and Kembrew McLeod, Matt Sowada, the conservative co-host of the political talk radio show American Reason on KRUI, and Rod Sullivan from the Johnson County Board of Supervisors about Professor Ellen Lewin’s “F— You, Republicans!” email response to the University of Iowa College Republicans campus-wide invite for people to participate in “Conservative Coming Out Week.”


Posted by: Yale Cohn at April 28, 2011 7:59 AM
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