April 29, 2011

Blacksmith Blogging

Checking the web before dinner (getting a bit cool so wanted a sweater). Very full day -- the morning session was on knife-making and there was a good bit that I already knew but the heat treating session was well worth my time. There is a stage before quenching that I had heard a bit about but never really understood so didn't do it. Needless to say, that will be added to the process... The afternoon session was with a local smith and covered basic power hammer operation, jigs and techniques. Seeing as how I hauled a 2,200 power hammer back from the last years conference, this gave me a lot of ideas for its use. Tomorrow at 8:00AM, Bending. Then, Blacksmith Wars from Noon to 2:00PM and then a couple of events (there are always several things going on at once) to pick and choose from. Off to a local brewpub for some dinner and then back to the hotel room to read the internet and maybe post a bit... Posted by DaveH at April 29, 2011 5:28 PM
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