April 19, 2011

But it's so convieeeeenient

No. Park your car, walk inside and deal with the family left behind. From the Los Angeles Times:
Paying their respects outside funeral home
Known for her flamboyant hats and dazzling jewelry, Bernice Woods relished being in the public eye.

So when the longtime community volunteer and former Compton city councilwoman died last month, her children opted to place her open casket in the drive-thru display window of Robert L. Adams Mortuary in Compton.

"My mother was a community person," said Gregory W. Woods, 55, the youngest of the deceased woman's 10 children. "She meant so much to so many people. It is only fitting and proper that she would be viewed this way."

Adams funeral parlor, a fixture in Compton since 1974, brings to the business of death a convenience of the living: drive-thru viewing of the dead.
A bit more:
"You can come by after work, you don't need to deal with parking, you can sign the book outside and the family knows that you paid your respects," said Scott Adams. "It's a convenience thing."
And a bit more:
In the 1980s, cemetery shootouts made gang members reluctant to gather for graveside services. The drive-thru's glass partition is bulletproof, Scott Adams said, and so for a while the mortuary became a popular location for gang funerals.
Why aren't these people up in arms and rioting in the streets. The Democratic Party has made them into the underclass. The Democratic Party has made them poor and kept them down. The Democratic Party is stealing their families, tossing away their fathers. They are trading their birthright for cheap baubles -- entitlements that feed you for the day but enslave you for your life. They are getting second rate educations, second rate jobs and all for what, a guaranteed vote because when they vote another Democrat into office, that asshat will give them another slice of free gubbinment cheese. The crime, the drugs, the violence and the need for drive-through funeral parlors is just the symptom of the toxin. Remove the toxin and heal the citizen. Posted by DaveH at April 19, 2011 8:49 PM
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