May 30, 2011

A list of ten items

From John Waters at the UK Telegraph:
John Waters on 10 things every role model needs
1. History. You can�t have a one-night-stand role model. No one can become a role model in 24 hours. It helps a lot if you knew them when you were young, so they sort of grow or fester with you, like Johnny Mathis was for me.

2 Be extreme: all my role models have to be. They have to be braver than I�ve ever been. Even to survive success is hard, no matter if it�s widespread success like Johnny Mathis had, or Bobby Boris Pickett, who his whole life just had to sing one song [The Monster Mash]. Today too many people are trying hard to be extreme. For the people I admire it was natural, and they turned it into art.
Eight more at the site -- I like #'s 9 and 10 and #8 is perfect:
8 Originality. Someone unique like Margaret Hamilton, the Wicked Witch of the West, is an easy role model to have. She could fit into any of these categories � her outfit looked like Comme des Gar�ons, and anybody who could scare children like that� The problem was, I wanted to be her. And as I turn 65, that has sort of come true.
Posted by DaveH at May 30, 2011 11:30 AM
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