November 15, 2011

Smart dog

I have an older Brittney male -- Finnegan. I got a four month old Shiloh Shepherd named Grace two weeks ago. Grace is whip smart. Case in point -- they had both been fed and let outside for the evening. I gave them each a beef shank bone for a nighttime treat. Grace chewed the marrow out of hers first and then started to pace around and paw at the door -- the sign that she needed to go out. I got up to let her out. Finnegan rose to follow and when he was outside, Grace immediately turned around, went back into the house and grabbed Finnegan's bone. Needless to say, Grace is now outside and her bone is sitting on the counter. Finnegan has been reunited with his bone and I will let Grace back in in a few minutes. Gonna be a handful over the next year but going to be an incredible companion for the next fifteen or so. Posted by DaveH at November 15, 2011 11:16 PM
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