January 25, 2012

But you see if it wasn't for bad luck

In the last six months chronologically, I had to have surgery on my foot, the bakery I was managing got shut down by the owner of the property, my wife filed for divorce, my well pump went out, I lost 300+ pounds of grass-fed beef and organic pork through a freezer failure, my furnace motor burned out. Two days ago, I got a call from the manager of the condos where my Mom and Dad used to live (they passed a few years ago -- I am keeping the property to use for sorting through their estate and will sell it once the economy improves). A meter reader noticed that water was coming out of the kitchen sink. It seems that the heat had failed and the sink valve froze and broke. Looking at replacing all of the carpets and there is a lot of damage as I had a lot of stuff in cartons sitting on the carpet. Water wicked up into them. That being said, Lulu and I celebrated our six-month anniversary a few days ago and the dog that she bought for my birthday (Grace) is probably the best puppy I have ever had -- turning into a wonderful dear dog. Title of the post? Ray Charles Posted by DaveH at January 25, 2012 10:01 PM