March 20, 2012

Say goodbye to the Scientific American

A real shame as they used to be a fantastic magazine but now they are just a pop-culture rag with a scientific twist. They were an early adopter of the whole Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming bullshite and still maintain that stance today. Now, they are going all world-government:
Effective World Government Will Be Needed to Stave Off Climate Catastrophe
Almost six years ago, I was the editor of a single-topic issue on energy for Scientific American that included an article by Princeton University�s Robert Socolow that set out a well-reasoned plan for how to keep atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations below a planet-livable threshold of 560 ppm. The issue came replete with technical solutions that ranged from a hydrogen economy to space-based solar.

If I had it to do over, I�d approach the issue planning differently, my fellow editors permitting. I would scale back on the nuclear fusion and clean coal, instead devoting at least half of the available space for feature articles on psychology, sociology, economics and political science. Since doing that issue, I�ve come to the conclusion that the technical details are the easy part. It�s the social engineering that�s the killer. Moon shots and Manhattan Projects are child�s play compared to needed changes in the way we behave.

A policy article authored by several dozen scientists appeared online March 15 in Science to acknowledge this point: �Human societies must now change course and steer away from critical tipping points in the Earth system that might lead to rapid and irreversible change. This requires fundamental reorientation and restructuring of national and international institutions toward more effective Earth system governance and planetary stewardship.�
The author, one Gary Stix, is a perfect example of the larval form of Utopian mastermind who knows what needs to be done albeit in complete disregard to everyone's Rights, the Sovereignty of Nations and their bodies of Law. As with any Marxist/Socialist idea, when it fails, the excuse always given is that it wasn't funded enough or it was never implemented completely enough. There is something in engineering called a 'sniff-test'. A simple test of a larger problem to see if the approach is on the right track. A perfect sniff-test of Mr. Stix's wet dream is the United Nations. How is that working out for you... The comments are a fun read -- both sides of the school of CAGW thinking show their relative strengths and weaknesses very well. Posted by DaveH at March 20, 2012 8:56 PM
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