July 22, 2012


A local restaurant sign advertised Roast Turkey on Sunday. I slept in today and then we hung out watching the LA Dodgers cream the NY Mets in the 12th Inning 8-3. Spent a couple hours at the dog park (brought some chairs and hung out by the river) and then stuffed our faces with turkey. Actual honest-to-God turkey from a real bird! With homemade dressing and oddly enough, boxed mashed taters. This always puzzles me -- it is so much easier and better and cheaper per serving to make your own smashed taters than to buy the instant variety. It freezes well so you can make up several hotel pans and freeze them. I can turn out 50 pounds in a couple hours with minimal labor/time on my part. We were planning to see The Dark Knight Rises but we were feeling the effects of the turkey and will catch tomorrow's matin�e showing -- we will have dropped the truck off for service and we can be in the theater during the heat of the day. Spending the evening surfing and watching for thunderstorms -- saw a couple classical anvil clouds coming back to the motel. Reading some of the books I bought. Day eleven! Posted by DaveH at July 22, 2012 6:07 PM
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