October 26, 2012

In which I feel like a perfect idiot...

The court date was today at 1:15PM. I got there around 12:30, courtroom was locked so I sat and waited outside. I noticed some people coming and going so I went in and sat down. The judge came out and proceeded to work through his list of cases. This went on for two hours and at the end, he asked if there was any further business. I announced myself and was told that I had missed the 1:15 session -- that was a different process from the court decisions I had just sat through. Missed it by about five minutes... Drrrrrrrrrrrrr... Jen (my ex) is pressing for settlement and I cannot do it without her filling out some needed documentation. She knows this but is still pressing with her lawyer who garnished my bank accounts for over $17K and is now demanding all sorts of documentation. A clause in our mediation agreement says that Jen will do nothing to impede my ability to cash her out. She is violating that clause. Posted by DaveH at October 26, 2012 5:32 PM
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