October 15, 2012

William A. Jacobson on Elizabeth Warren

Dr. Jacobson has been focusing on Elizabeth Warren who is running for Senate in Massachusetts. Here is his latest -- she is avoiding some fees that the "little" lawyers have to pay:
Elizabeth Warren obtained federal fee waivers despite high 6-figure income and 8-figure net worth
Elizabeth Warren has built her progressive rock star image and her campaign by attacking the wealthy factory owners and others who supposedly do not pay their �fair share� and take advantage of loopholes to live off of infrastructure paid for by others.

Yet Warren appears to be one of those people who takes advantage.

Warren falsely and without any legitimate legal basis claimed to be Cherokee for employment purposes. Warren also chintzed by failing to register for the Massachusetts Bar despite an active practice of law in Cambridge since the mid-1990s, thereby evading Bar registration dues. Howie Carr has a great column today about Warren�s class warfare phoniness.

Add another example to the long list: Warren obtained fee waivers from at least 50 federal bankruptcy courts so she would not have to pay for access to the federal PACER system, even in years when she had a high 6-figure income and an 8-figure net worth.
Hope she loses and loses bigtime. Posted by DaveH at October 15, 2012 8:35 PM
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