November 17, 2012

Our financial woes

Peter at Bayou Renaissance Man links to a fantastic post from Karl Denninger at Market-Ticker:
"There's none so blind as those who will not see"
That time-honored idiom applies particularly to the world's economic situation right now. I'm at a loss to understand how so many (including alleged 'experts' like Paul Krugman and other Keynesian hard-liners) continue to parrot the 'party line' that we need to borrow more, tax more and spend more in order to stimulate the economy and overcome the recession. We've been doing precisely that for a long, long time . . . and the results are what confront us now.

Karl Denninger laid it out (again) very bluntly today.
Go and read -- we are in for a world of hurt unless we get some adults running our financial system. Posted by DaveH at November 17, 2012 12:20 PM
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