April 3, 2013

Fun times in North Korea

From Tyler at Zero Hedge:
Two North Korean Submarines "Disappeared"
Chosun TV is reporting that South Korean military have lost contact with two North Korean submarines that left their naval base in Hwanghae Province a few days ago.

There has obviously been a lot of changes between last week and now and South Korean military officials suggested that while maneuvers in February were nothing meaningful, now it is provocation.

The two 'torpedo' subs are small 130-ton, 30-meter, 10-man machines that can stay submerged for three-to-four days.
Curiouser and curiouser. I would not rule out a Red October scenario, life is pretty brutal in the workers paradise. So nice that Barry Obama has been gutting our military for us. We really need to be brought down a couple notches in the world's view. Yeah, and I have some oceanfront property in Montana to sell you... Posted by DaveH at April 3, 2013 10:44 PM
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