April 14, 2013

Homeland Security in Seattle

No word if this was some kind of drill but it is chilling nonetheless. From an email to wirecutter at Knuckledraggin My Life Away:
Seattle is under Federal control
Via email from Montana Pike Hunter:
I'm writing to you today to bring light to share with you some curious things I noticed this weekend. In order to put them into perspective, I must let you know a little about myself. I was born in Seattle Washington and moved to Missoula Montana in July of 2001. I still have friends in Seattle and I go there to visit yearly.

I went last year and observed a lot of peculiar infrastructure put in place, but nothing more noteworthy than the extremely sophisticated camera systems on the state borders. This year I witnessed significantly more, a deterioration into an Orwellian setting that I never could have imagined.

Seattle is now informally under Federal Control. Whether the local police and sheriff's departments know it or not, they are being groomed to relinquish control to the Department of Homeland Security, it would appear that vast amounts of resources are being placed inside the city on standby. I would have gladly taken more pictures, but given the circumstances, which I will explain later, I was unable to.
Some photos of vehicles marked with large letters 'Police' and with much smaller letters 'Federal Protective Service' A bit more:
These vehicles are EVERYWHERE in Seattle, making rounds on any particular block about every 10 minutes, driving in caravans as long as 6 vehicles, but mostly in twos and threes, and always in an aggressive fashion. Speeding, sudden stops, unnecessary acceleration, and clear traffic violations. The frequency with which I observed these actions while eating a long lunch in a local restaurant as well as while walking through the streets was startling. I would say it might be a training exercise if it weren't for their interaction in insignificant events like drunk bums and medical emergencies.
I know that DHS considers everything within 100 miles of a border their turf and Seattle is a major port city but still, this is a bit curious to say the least. The DHS vehicles up here and in Bellingham are plainly marked as DHS and Border Patrol -- there is no attempt to look like a municipal or county Police vehicle. The word Police does not appear on their vehicles... Posted by DaveH at April 14, 2013 10:09 AM