April 9, 2013

I wish him well

If Mr. Steyer wants to dump his money down a rat-hole, fine with me... From The Hill:
Greens get billionaire ally, money
A California billionaire is pledging to spend as much of his fortune as necessary to make climate change �the defining issue of our generation.�

Tom Steyer, who made his riches as a hedge fund manager, told The Hill on Tuesday that he wants to make climate change a campaign issue for years to come and Democratic support for environmental protections as widespread as support for gay marriage and immigration reform.

�The goal here is not to win. The goal here is to destroy these people. We want a smashing victory,� Steyer said of candidates he judges to be on the wrong side of the climate change debate.
Mr. Steyer is failing to grasp the simple dictum that if you are really really good at something (say... managing a hedge fund ferinstance), this does nothing to convey the ability to do other things equally well. Mr. Steyer needs to get out of his personal echo-chamber and take a good hard look at the numbers on the Climate. Things do not look good for the warmistas and as a numbers guy, he should have the math chops to be able to go through the basic science. It is simply not that hard... He is worth $1.4 billion -- wonder how much he will burn before he wises up to the reality (or gets tired of the chattering classes hogging his free ride). Posted by DaveH at April 9, 2013 8:09 PM
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