April 16, 2013

Oh just wonderful

What with all that happened in Boston, now we have this -- from CNN:
Envelope tests positive for ricin at Washington mail facility
An envelope that tested positive for the deadly poison ricin was intercepted Tuesday afternoon at the U.S. Capitol's off-site mail facility in Washington, congressional and law enforcement sources tell CNN.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he was told the letter was addressed to the office of Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Mississippi. A laboratory in Maryland confirmed the presence of ricin after initial field tests indicated the poison was present, Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Terrance Gainer said.

The letter had a Memphis, Tennessee, postmark and no return address, Gainer wrote in an e-mail to senators and aides. In a statement late Tuesday, the U.S. Capitol Police said more tests would be conducted at the Army's biomedical research laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland.

Sen. Claire McCaskill told reporters after a briefing for lawmakers that a suspect has already been identified in the incident, but a knowledgeable source said no one was in custody Tuesday night.
Yet another asshat roaming around. Ricin is a nasty poison. Relatively easy to make if you know how. I looked it up a few years ago and found some stunningly bad methods; there are a lot of really bad chemists out there. There is a popular formula for making TNT that will guarantee a detonation if followed to the letter... Posted by DaveH at April 16, 2013 8:11 PM
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