May 1, 2013

A quiet May Day

Thank God -- from the Seattle Times:
Rally ends, May Day marchers head toward downtown Seattle
Police line S King St. as the 13th Annual May Day March for Workers and Immigrant Rights passes at about 3:45 Wednesday afternoon.

UPDATE AT 3:25 P.M.: In what may be the first sign of potential trouble, Seattle police say they have recovered rocks and bricks possibly placed in advance of today�s May Day events. Police say the objects were recovered in the East and West precincts.

Meanwhile, police are lining the route as marchers may their way to downtown. Still peaceful.
Looks like there were more PoPo and reporters than demonstrators. A lot of the people were hitchhiking onto May Day and touting immigration reform (ie: converting all of the illegal aliens into big-government Democrats on the dole). The anti-capitalist march is later today:
What is likely to be a smaller demonstration, labeled an �anti-capitalist� rally and march, is set to begin at 6 p.m. at Seattle Central Community College. The route of that march was unclear Monday as organizers did not obtain a permit from the city, according to Seattle police.

It was during last year�s anti-capitalist march that dozens of protesters wielding sticks, hammers and rocks went on a noontime rampage.

The Downtown Seattle Association is confident that police have learned lessons, said James Sido, the association�s public-relations manager.�We do feel SPD has a solid road map how proceed in these situations,� Sido said, predicting better communication and organization.
See what happens... Why would anyone be against capitalism -- if they are so passionate in their delusion, they should move to Cuba or Venezuela. It will also be interesting to see what happens tomorrow on May 2nd. That is the second anniversary of Osama bin Laden's assumption of room temperature at the hand of our guys. The mozzies like anniversaries -- just look at Benghazi. Posted by DaveH at May 1, 2013 3:55 PM
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