May 18, 2013

And he's SAFE!

Spent an hour moving the safe from my truck to the garage. I love rigging and moving big things -- patience, walking around and looking a lot, scratching my head, looking some more and then it's showtime. I used Buttercup the tractor. The safe was laying on its back in my truck -- 470 pounds -- took a bunch of Costo people to get it loaded. As one person commented, it was a hernia in a box. Have some heavy ramps so slid it out and down to the ground leaning backward on the ramps. Tilted it until it was standing upright on some 2X4 blocking with about 4" of the safe's front edge hanging out in the air. Came in with Buttercup's loader bucket just under that front lip, lifted a little bit and levered the safe another 10" onto the bottom of the bucket. Drove it into the garage enough that it was over the cement floor. Set out a couple lengths of iron pipe for rollers, lowered the bucket, nudged it forward and set it down on the pipes. That is where it sits for tonight -- had to get dinner and take a break. Having a dedicated safe will make me feel a lot more secure -- it will be good to have a place for vital papers as well as some of the guns and ammo. I will still have a gun or two stashed around the house but I will feel a lot better in the event of a robbery. I have lost some tools from the equipment barn and there are some shady people who know where I live. Enhanced security is a good thing... Posted by DaveH at May 18, 2013 9:34 PM