May 15, 2013

Great idea - used to be a good company, now not so much

Up through the late 1970's, Abercrombie and Fitch was the place to go when you wanted real outdoors stuff -- major expeditions, elephant guns, fly rods, etc. L.L.Bean and Eddie Bauer were Johny-come-latelys to Abercrombie and Fitch. They were founded in 1892 (New York City) by David T. Abercrombie and Ezra H. Fitch. That high-pitched squeal you are hearing is those two people spinning in their graves. The current management is focusing their sales efforts on crap clothing to people young enough to not know the difference. And they are very careful to defend their brand. Which brings us to this wonderful post at BoingBoing:
Help make Abercrombie and Fitch synonymous with homelessness
As you know, Abercrombie and Fitch is a horrible shitshow of a company whose owner refuses to make large sized clothes so that "unattractive people" can't wear them, and who burns surplus clothing rather than donating it to charity to keep their clothes off poor peoples' backs. So Gkarber has set out to make the brand synonymous with homelessness, by clearing out thrift shops' supply of A&F and bringing it to skid row and giving it to homeless people. He'd like you to participate by clearing out your closets and donating any A&F to your local homeless charity...
Video here I love it -- and if their legal council tries to do a take-down, A&F will experience the powerful effulgence of The Streisand Effect in all of its radiant glory... Posted by DaveH at May 15, 2013 9:13 PM