May 4, 2013

More on Nigel Farage and the UKIP

I had posted about the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) yesterday. Writer James Delingpole has some stuff to say -- from the UK Telegraph:
The old order is dying. We are living in the age of Farage
If something can't go on forever it won't. This is the bitter lesson the Coalition has learned today, and will again next year at the European elections. Some of us have been predicting this for some time but I think even the most optimistic among us have been surprised by the suddenness of the change. In the space of half a year, Ukip have gone from being the party of the protest vote to the revolutionary force which threatens to transform the British political scene almost beyond recognition.

As to why it's happening I recommend this brilliant, must-read analysis by Russell Taylor. He concludes:
The current political class is fighting yesterday�s battles: ones that began when we were living with the illusion of unearned wealth and unconditional security. But now the party�s over. The boom busted and all we�re left to show for it is New Labour�s mega-state and its decadent moral code. Those who continue to defend these artefacts offer no hope for the future. They are destined to repeat the same mistakes unto destruction.
James goes on about how the progressives demonize honest business and concludes his piece with this:
The time for apologising for things we haven't done wrong is over. Alinsky, you are so 1970s. We're living in the age of Farage and, dare I say it, the Delingpole brothers. The old political order is dying on its feet. Viva la revolucion!
Saul Alinsky's fifteen minutes of fame are over -- he is done. These people are a joke and it is time to mock them loudly and to their faces. Laugh at them for their stupidity. The idea that a big government is better than a limited one? The idea that central planning will work more efficiently than an open and free market? Like I said -- a joke. They are laughable. Posted by DaveH at May 4, 2013 8:24 PM
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