May 4, 2013

National Inventors Hall of Fame

Their list of inductees for 2013 have some wonderful people.
Bob Moog - music synthesizer
Alfred Loomis - banker and inventor of LORAN
Grote Reber - radio telescope
These three are in my major geek pantheon right up there with Nikola Tesla and Charles Proteus Steinmetz Loomis is an interesting character -- there is a great biography - Tuxedo Park. The author is the granddaughter of one of Loomis' contemporaries and had access to a lot of personal material. Good writer too. LORAN is not dead yet - it was ostensibly "replaced" by GPS satellites and the many chain transmitting stations were taken off the air but they were not demolished. Every so often, one or more of them will start broadcasting again. Not just the USA, this is all around the world. Also this year:
Samuel Alderson - crash test dummy
Garrett Brown - Steadicam motion smoother
plus a bunch of other people -- a fascinating list. Posted by DaveH at May 4, 2013 11:49 AM