May 16, 2013

Obama scandals - a list of twenty more

From Yid with Lid comes this little list:
Since The Media Is Now Paying Attention-Will They Investigate These 20 OTHER OBAMA SCANDALS?
It warms my heart to see the mainstream media doing its job (well somewhat and only with Benghazi, IRS and the AP). Now its time for them to prove their meddle. Since they are awake, alert and paying attention, perhaps they could investigate the twenty scandals ignored since Obama became President in January 2009.

According to the information about the Justice Dept. investigation of the Associated Press, Holder's troops got the phone information of 100 reporters Hey AP this is a great way to get back at the administration assign each of the stories below to a reporter, you still would have 80 others to cover other news.

What about the other news organizations--I am not asking they investigate all twenty, perhaps they could split them up one or two per liberal media organization.

Here's my twenty--I am sure there are others but with these twenty plus the three new ones the mainstream media has enough--they have five years to catch up on:
That was the first five -- fifteen more at the site, all with links to corroborating data. Some big, some not so big but all deserving of an explanation... Posted by DaveH at May 16, 2013 10:24 AM