May 14, 2013

Pants on Fire - Obama and Terrorism

From The Washington Post's Fact Checker:
Obama�s claim he called Benghazi an �act of terrorism�
The day after it happened, I acknowledged that this was an act of terrorism.�
-�President Obama, remarks at a news conference, May 13, 2013
Once again, it appears that we must parse a few presidential words. We went through this question at length during the 2012 election, but perhaps a refresher course is in order.

Notably, during a debate with Republican nominee Mitt Romney, President Obama said that he immediately told the American people that the killing of the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans in Libya �was an act of terror.� But now he says he called it �an act of terrorism.�

Some readers may object to this continuing focus on words, but presidential aides spend a lot of time on words. Words have consequences. Is there a difference between �act of terror� and �act of terrorism�?
Emphasis mine -- actually, there is and it is quite a big one. The Washington Post points out the lies and gives Obama Four Pinocchios. I would expect no less from this President. Posted by DaveH at May 14, 2013 4:30 PM